Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 7 Oct. 22, 2009

Where do I begin tonight? Well we started out the day with every intention of a shorter day.
I really thought 60-65 miles would be good and I had mentally prepared myself for that distance. Somehow we ended up with 90 miles yes nine, o, Let me explain why.
It all started with a phone call to Les to see if he could get us a place in Long beach,Ms. but no further than Pass Christian, 2 hours later I talk to Les and he had taken care of everything. He had put me in touch with a really nice Pastor of a church in Pass Christian, but unsuspecting to us(Jerry and I) Pastor Robert and Holly live in Waveland about another 14 miles! We made it though tired and hungry(again) and are having a wonderful time. Dinner was prepared,shepards pie(yum), salads and fruits then homemade pound cake (yum yum). We sat down and rerouted again due to the fact we have heard there is a possibility of some of our chosen routes still closed due to Katrina. better to find out know then later. We will be heading toward Hammond La which should be about 73 miles, but if there is a way I'm sure we will end up with close to 90 miles.
A super special thanks to Les, Pastor Robert and Holly for all they have done.
Till tomorrow,
Tracy and Jerry


  1. T & J,
    You guys really are wild hogs!
    You just can't get enough riding, huh?
    God leads you to such great people. Wow, a home-cooked meal, too. Glad your being cared for by such gracious people!

  2. First i want to mention that Lisa has been trying to comment on the blog again without success. She asked if i would give you both a message. She said she misses you two picking on her. =) So if there's some way you can pick on her in tomorrow's blog that would be...uh...nice??
    90 miles!!! i'm so proud of you! Over 500 miles in all so far. Not bad for one week! You guys are really something! God has been so good!! Thank you Lord! God bless Pastor Robert and Holly. And Richard, Andrea and Kayla! Rest well guys. I love you. Patti

  3. Wow! Congrats on another full day! You all are better than the Energizer Bunnies!---you keep goin' and goin' . ;) Keep up the good work, stay strong and realize that many are supporting you and praying for your efforts. Glad to hear of your successes today and that you have encountered hospitable people.
    Remember about the Israelites getting a double portion of manna on F? Well, I am giving you double verses now, for F and SAB. ;)
    Friday: Be strong in the Lord an din His might power. Eph. 6:10
    Sabbath: God will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jer. 31:25
    I praise God for His goodnesses to you, and pray tonight that your faith will increase as you depend fully on Him. Blessings, Karin

  4. Hi guys.
    Got a blog account finally.
    sounds like your having a great experience and are blessed by many who you have been in contact with.
    Praying for great weather and safety for you.
    Until later,

  5. Hi,
    Glad your okay.
    If you need anything give me a holler.
